Saturday, July 10, 2010

64 Commandments of Chess

  1. Be aggressive, but play soundly. Don't take unnecessary chances.
  2. Make sure every move has a purpose.
  3. If you know your opponent's style, take advantage of it. But, in the final analysis, play the board, not the player.
  4. Don't ignore your opponent's moves.
  5. Don't give needless checks. Check only when it makes sense.
  6. Answer all threats. Try to do so by improving your position and/or posing a counter-threat.
  7. Play for the initiative. If you already have it, maintain it. If you don't have it, seize it.
  8. When exchanging, try to get at least as much as you give up.
  9. Take with the man of least value, unless there is a definite reason for doing otherwise.
  10. Cut your losses. If you must lose material, lose as little as possible.
  11. If you blunder, don't give up fighting. After getting the advantage, your opponent may relax and let you escape.
  12. Never play a risky move, hoping your opponent will overlook your threat, unless you have a losing position. In that case, you have nothing to lose.
  13. Rely on your own powers. If you can't see the point of your opponent's move, assume there isn't any.
  14. Don't sacrifice without good reason.
  15. When you can't determine whether to accept or decline a sacrifice, accept it.
  16. Attack in number. Don't rely on just one or two pieces.

64 Commandments of Chess

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