Thursday, July 28, 2011

Carlsen Wins Biel 2011

Magnus Carlsen’s game against Maxime Vachier-Lagrave was the most exciting of them all, and Vachier-Lagrave tried very hard to press any psychological edge he might have against Carlsen. They played a Fianchetto Gruenfeld, which unfolded to a blocked center with play focused on the queenside. Carlsen had a pleasant advantage until Qc1, after which he himself had to play accurately. However, for the first 45 moves the Frenchman had no counterchances and was just trying to hold. Finally Lagrave played f5, g5 and g4 as a form of active defence, since the alternative was to be run over on the kingside by White. Both players refocused their forces and again neither player managed to trip the other. In the end, the draw was well deserved.

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